A Tribute to a Friend

I made a decision when I began my blog that I would stick to the subject of writing. But for this post, I’d like to deviate from that rule just a bit. And with good reason. A very dear friend of mine passed away six months ago and I’d like to reprint my good-bye.
There are people in this world that bring out the best in others. Roseann Orme was one of those people. She managed this feat because she demanded no less of herself. A natural born leader, she was able to coax blood from a stone–she got me to do things I’d never done before and taught me how to believe in myself so that I ended up doing them well. Along the way, we shared the times of our lives together. I will miss her very much.
As authors, we have an obligation to dare.  And dare greatly.  As a writer, if you don’t try to test your limits, if you don’t try harder, if you don’t try something new, then how can you improve?
As authors, we have an obligation to bring others into our world. My greatest satisfaction is knowing that if someone is reading one of my books, I’ve taken them away from the stress of their lives and asked them to join me in my world for a few short moments.
For me, Ro did both. She asked me to dare greatly and showed me that I could do things I never thought possible. She brought me into her world and I am nothing but a better person for it. She touched not just mine but so many lives and made them better just as our writing should.
Thank you Ro, from the bottom of my heart and rest in peace.