When vampire queen Samira Anai Se-Bat turns scientist Cordell Stuart into a vampire, she makes him a deal. If he promises to find a cure for Nirvana, she will find and protect his daughter Kayla. A direct descendant of The Mother and The Father, Samira must protect her race from her brother-in-blood, Antu Si-Tayat. Antu murdered the priests and priestesses of the temple so he could be the only ruler, causing Samira to imprison him for his crimes. Having escaped, Antu wants revenge. A cellular kineticist, Cord stumbled on Nirvana while trying to save Kay’s life. He never thought his research would create an army of deadly rogue vampires. Now he is caught between his promise to save a race he neither trusts nor understands, and the need to find and save his daughter. With Antu pitting vampire factions against each other, war is brewing and Sam is caught between her promise to save Kay and her need to protect her people. But a vision shows both thrones blending into one until they are no more. If Sam follows the vision and sacrifices herself, will Antu subjugate the world? In a race against time and destiny, Sam and Cord figure out what they have to do, and find the cost will be their new found love, possibly their lives. Or will it? For a Destiny’s Rogue, nothing is certain except love. Love will always endure.
>There is the blood and can only ever be the blood. So how can love survive in a world of pain?


Writing is my passion and sharing my words with you is the one true wish I carry.

Choices matter. We’re faced with them on a daily basis. Consequences dictate. We aren’t always given an easy path to take and the decisions we make affect those around us. Love endures. No matter how many times we’re faced with choices we don’t want to make and having to make them because of circumstances beyond our control, that one truth remains.

My books have only one ending. No matter what my characters endure, there will always be a happily ever after of some kind.

My books have won awards and my stories have won the hearts of many fans. Welcome to my world. I hope you Enjoy!

Hope to see you again very soon,


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OMG!! OMG!! The reviews keep coming. And they’re just fantastic. So far, 4.3 out of 5 Stars!!!!

“Well plotted and clever suspenseful story about a complicated heroine whose brilliance gets her not just in a lot of trouble but in the ‘hot’ seat if you will. Suspenseful and quite thrilling.”

“It’s a wonderfully hot and suspenseful, mysterious love story.”   

“Without giving away too much I can honestly say there are places that you will no longer look at the same way, Well done Linda!”   

“And the ending was not what I was expecting, or rather those involved were not necessarily what I was expecting.”

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Award-Winning Author